Life as an expatriot living and running in the beautiful town of Zwolle, the Netherlands.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

One pain and then another. My leg is healed but my jaw... whooooo boy.

The procedure begins with massive shots from a very industrial looking soviet type needle. Totally cringe-worthy. See, the thing about Holland is that it's like half Liberal Utopia and half Communist Russia. Liberal examples: legal pot smoking, co-ed naked spas, gay marriage. Communist Russian examples: industrial engineering and decor that is all about sterility, hard edges, and function. Bathrooms, kitchens, medical rooms, even snack shops are mostly cold white tiles and no frills. And did I mention... those big ass needles?

Anyway, the surgery begins. There is no actual pain but the pressure is intense and the sound of the drill going into my jaw bone is ridiculously loud. I have the feeling it is blowing apart my eardrums. Now normally, I am pretty relaxed at the doctor's. But during this visit I just lay there stiff as concrete. I have not done enough yoga in my lifetime to deal with this circumstance. About halfway through the procedure, the doctor tells me that in America, when doing a jaw operation, oral surgeons will put the patient completely under general anesthesia. He thought I was being very brave. And I'm like... "Being brave?!? ...Dude, you are telling me I had a choice?!?"

So he finishes, gives me my stitches, and some prescriptions for pain medication and disinfecting mouth wash. And this being Holland I do as the Dutch do - I leave the hospital on my bike. Let me repeat this: I have surgery and then I'm riding my bike to the pharmacy and then home. The Dutch... what's normal to them is bad-ass to me.

Now my jaw is completely swollen. I'm talking and looking like Marlon Brando in The Godfather. I have to wait to run again... hopefully on Monday. Tonight, I'm going to the gym for non-impact, non-jaw thumping bike training.

PS. I want to wish all the best for a speedy recovery to my good friend and fellow RailRunner, Marc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an amazon. Biking and gym post surgery? Is it also common in the Netherlands for those recovering from major sugery to do 150 one-handed push-ups?

Love, Wendy (Candy-assed american sister who demands general anesthesia for just about anything.)

PS...BLOND???? When did that happen?

3:12 PM

Blogger Debbie said...

Hi Wendy, guess I haven't seen you for awhile... I've been blond for like at least 5 months! And I took the the day of and the day after off. I wrote this post a couple days after the actual surgery. Love you, sissy - Deb

3:58 PM

Blogger kate sullivan said...

Debbie! My poor baby Debbie's jaw bone! I can't believe they didn't put you under for that. I hope they gave you THE KIND painkillers, and lots of em. and i mean the first-world, american-invented opiate-based big fat white happy pills. or something at least for nighttime. sleep is crucial for you right now. i am also a mite peeved with hubby for not driving you to and from the hospital and holding your hand. tell him i am peeved. i love you!!!!!

8:19 PM

Blogger  said...

At least you live in a CULTure that allows all to have dental care not like this empire du jour sty.

Stay on Groovin'
(Have a toke for moi)

9:03 PM

Blogger Diane Moss said...

Matthias is wondering if this is their revenge for Iraq.

I'm with Kate--where was the chauffeur? I conferred with Matthias and he clearly doesn't agree with me. He nonchalantly remembers his mom riding her bike and taking the train in Germany after surgery. Gee, I hope I never have to get an opertion...if I do, I know who's shoulder I'll call to cry on, ja.

Sending hugs, sympathy, blankie dreams, and hopes for a speedy recovery.

9:33 PM

Blogger Debbie said...

Hi Tor,
I totally agree. Now, I couldn't chose my doctor or the date of the surgery... but the whole operation cost me not a dime... or should I say 10 euro cents. Yes, I will stay groovin'. Thanks!
- Deb

9:58 PM

Blogger Debbie said...

Diane and Katetoferson,

Yeah, you just get so used to the bike here that you don't even consider the car. But Gert did take the day off and accompany me. And I must day I'm a little disappointed in the quality of my pain medication.

10:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

So here I am, yuor real Dutch girl... Jim is asleep and let me watch your blog....!

Ha, this is actualy my first blog!!

And what can I tell you about the pain? PIJN is FIJN! Ha, no really. use it as an object of meditation, notice what is really going on, and you can really use it for your endurence as a runner.

So, bye bye, keep on going!


10:03 PM

Blogger Debbie said...

Danke Greta!

9:16 AM


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